Housing Resources
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Resources at a Glance...
affordable home ownership programs
housing dispute resources
housing support resources
rental housing programs
repair programs
Program Inquiries
Kanak Kulhari
Greening, Housing & Safety Coordinator
As the West End Resource Centre, we provide a rich collection of resources to aid individuals and families navigate housing-related matters. Although we do not directly offer home-finding or landlord dispute resolution services, we connect community members with comprehensive information about affordable home ownership programs, housing support organizations, rental assistance programs, and home repair programs. Explore our extensive range of resources to get the support you need to find housing:
SEED Winnipeg Inc.'s Inner City Homebuyer Program- The Inner City Homebuyer program helps low-income earning families to save towards a down payment and closing costs for a home within a designated area. Participants will earn up to $15,000 in matching funds for a down payment with $10,000 of their own savings, and receive an additional $1,750 for closing costs.
If you are having a housing dispute, we recommend the following resources:
The city-wide Tenant-Landlord-Cooperation program hosted by the North End Community Renewal Corporation which assists both tenants and landlords in resolving rental disputes.
The Province of Manitoba's Residential Tenancies Branch which informs residents and landlords of their rights and responsibilities during a tenancy, investigates problems, and holds hearings.
Winnipeg Rental Network, an online resource hub that provides a free listing service for landlords, tenant and landlord resource guides and links to other resources for rental properties.
Spence Neighbourhood Association Holistic Housing Program- Housing at SNA uses the housing first model and approaches the housing challenges with a holistic lens. Individuals are assisted in finding housing, keeping it, maintaining it, and becoming a part of the community. The housing team at SNA includes a Homelessness Outreach Mentor, Housing Coordinator, and Rental Safety Coordinator.
West Central Women's Resource CentreThe HOMES Program supports all women with homelessness, housing and incomeMore than Four Walls is a Housing First program that supports all women and their families that experiencing homelessness
RENTAL HOUSING SUPPORT PROGRAMS (List Compiled by the Right to Housing Coalition)Affordable Home Ownership Programs
Here is a list of various housing supports programs available to Manitoba renters. Click links for more info about eligibility and application process.
Rent Assist- To help low income renters pay their rent every month. There is both the EIA Rent Assist (automatically included on EIA budgets) and the Non EIA Rent Assist for those that are not on EIA and are low income.
Canada MB Housing Benefit- There are 3 streams of this benefit. 1. Youth transitioning out of care 2. Those living with mental health and/or addictions 3. Those at risk of homelessness These programs provide a maximum of $250/month to help pay for rent.
Rent Relief Fund- A zero interest loan to help secure, maintain or stabilize housing.
Canada Housing Benefit Top Up- To help low income renters with a one time payment of $500.
WERC offers numerous home repair workshops throughout the year. Contact us or sign up for our Community Digest to find out when the next ones are taking place.There are a some programs in Manitoba that may be able to assist with repairs to your home:
DMSMRI Home Exterior Fix-Up Grants- Offered annually to improve properties in the Daniel McIntyre and St. Matthews neighbourhoods. See above program section. Click HERE to download the grant application.
City of Winnipeg- City of Winnipeg Homeowner Information page
Efficiency Manitoba- Efficiency Manitoba offers a number of programs, rebates and financing plans to assist in making your home more energy efficient.
Good Neighbours Active Living Centre- The Home Maintenance Program provides homeowners with the names of individuals within your community, who are able to do various jobs at reasonable rates. More information can be found on their website or by calling 204-806-1303.
Other Neighbourhood Development Corporations- The following Winnipeg neighbourhoods also have Neighbourhood Renewal Corporations that may have renovation grants and other programs available to their residents:Central NeighbourhoodsNorth EndSpenceWest BroadwayChalmers
WERC does not offer a home-finding or landlord dispute resolution service.
We have listed links to organizations and programs focused on housing, including support finding and maintaining housing and information about housing rebates and home ownership programs.
House Hunting in Winnipeg (including resolving disputes with a landlord)
Housing Resources PDF (created by End Homelessness Winnipeg)
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